Business Immo


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Danone refreshes its headquarters

“Rethinking workspaces and placing them at the heart of the company’s transformation” is Danone’s ambition in renovating the 10,000 m² of its headquarters at 17 boulevard Haussmann in the 9th arrondissement of Paris.
Dubbed “New Work”, this project, entrusted to the architectural firm archimage, directly involved more than half the workforce – some 400 people – in identifying their needs and the changes to be made.

Seven months of work on an occupied site later, two types of space have been defined.
These include “residential” areas with open spaces dedicated to different teams grouped by function, and “dynamic” collaborative areas offering no fewer than 15 different types of space, from fully-equipped meeting rooms to small lounges for visitors, silent rooms and creative zones.
All in a colorful setting, specific to each floor, which, like an invitation to travel, is inspired by the various continents.

By Estelle Santous