mitsubishi .


The head office of Mitsubishi Electric Europe’s French branch moves to the foot of the RER A in Rueil-Malmaison, an opportunity for the company to project itself into a new future. The new “WA21 ONLINE” building has been designed around a collaborative, transparent and light-filled building organization concept with resolutely 21st-century tools. This RT2012 building, certified HQE Excellent and BREEAM Very Good, includes, on the ground floor, a showroom to showcase their expertise to customers, numerous training rooms for teams, meeting rooms and cubicles equipped for video-conferencing, a beautiful terrace and cafeterias to enable employees to meet in convivial spaces. The Reiwa Era Rei is the era of beautiful harmony Wa. The notion of Wa is considered the most precious asset in Japan. This principle of social harmony and peace perfectly illustrates the corporate project for the new headquarters. The number 21 marks MEE’s centenary (1921-2021) and the year of its move.

Immeuble ONLINE 1 Place Louis Renault 92500 Rueil-Malmaison 386 workstations 6208m2 2022

Photo credits: © Yann Audic